Species diversity and spatial distribution of snakes in Jigme Dorji National Park and adjoining areas, western Bhutan

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Bal Krishna Koirala
Dhan Bdr Gurung
Phurba Lhendup
Sonam Phuntsho


This paper presents the results of a study conducted on the diversity and spatial distribution of snakes along the elevation gradients of Mochu River valley in Jigme Dorji National Park and its adjoining areas.  The survey was conducted from July–September 2014 and May–July 2015.  The study aimed to assess the diversity and distribution of snakes using opportunistic the visual encounter survey technique.  A total of 17 species of snakes belonging to 15 genera and three families were documented during the study period.  More than 53% of species were recorded in the lower sampling sites (between 1,200–500 m) indicating more favourable climatic conditions and habitat types for snakes assemblages at lower elevations indicating the importance of protecting low land forest areas for the conservation of snakes in the Bhutanese mountain ecosystem. 


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Short Communications
Author Biographies

Bal Krishna Koirala, Jigme Dorji National Park, Department of Forest and Park Services, Gasa 13001, Bhutan

Department of Forest and Park Services, Sr. Park Ranger

Sonam Phuntsho, Jigme Dorji National Park, Department of Forest and Park Services, Gasa 13001, Bhutan

Department of Forests and Park Services


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