Addition of four invasive alien plant species to state flora of Mizoram, India

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Lal Tlanhlui
Margaret Lalhlupuii
Sanatombi Devi Yumkham
Sandhyarani Devi Khomdram


Four alien plant species that have been naturalized in the state of Mizoram are reported for the first time as an addition to the state flora. These are Achimenes longiflora DC. & Chrysothemis pulchella (Donn ex Sims) Decne. from Gesneriaceae family and Cuscuta campestris Yunck. & Stylosanthes guianensis (Aubl.) Sw. from Convolvulaceae & Fabaceae families, respectively. The present report of the occurrence of these four invasive alien plant species in the state will allow for early detection, risk assessment, and effective management to mitigate against their potential negative impacts on the native ecosystem and biodiversity.

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Short Communications


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