On the occurrence of two species of rare cyanobacterial genus Petalonema M.J.Berkeley ex Wolle, 1887 (Cyanophyceae: Nostocales: Scytonemataceae) from eastern Himalaya, India

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Jai Prakash Keshri
Narendra Nath Koley
Jay Mal


During the systematic investigation on the cyanobacterial diversity of eastern Himalaya the authors recorded two unique species of Petalonema M.J.Berkeley ex Wolle—Petalonema alatum (Borzì ex Bornet & Flahault) Wolle and Petalonema velutinum Migula—from Alipurduar & Kalimpong. The former was recorded in calcareous situations forming thick mats while the latter was recorded in subaerophytic condition on wet rocks. The former species is first record for eastern Himalaya while the latter is a first record for India.

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