Status of the Sumatran Striped Rabbit Nesolagus netscheri in Isau-Isau Wildlife Reserve, South Sumatra Province, Indonesia

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Arum Setiawan
Muhammad Iqbal
Octavia Susilowati
Doni Setiawan
Martialis Puspito Khristy Maharsi
Indra Yustian


The Sumatran Striped Rabbit Nesolagus netscheri is a little known rabbit that occurs only in Sumatra. Located in Bukit Barisan Mountains in South Sumatra Province, Isau-Isau Wildlife Reserve is one important habitat for N. netscheri. Eight records of N. netscheri were documented from Isau-Isau Wildlife Reserve between 1995 and 2022, three from camera traps and five from interviews with local people. Interviews with settlers suggest that this species is rarely encountered in the wild and seldom hunted.

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