Evaluating performance of four species distribution models using Blue-tailed Green Darner Anax guttatus (Insecta: Odonata) as model organism from the Gangetic riparian zone

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Kritish De
S. Zeeshan Ali
Niladri Dasgpta
Virendra Prasad Uniyal
Jeyaraj Antony Johnson
Syed Ainul Hussain


In this paper we evaluated the performance of four species distribution models: generalized linear (GLM), maximum entropy (MAXENT), random forest (RF) and support vector machines (SVM) model, using the distribution of the dragonfly Blue-tailed Green Darner Anax guttatus in the Gangetic riparian zone between Bijnor and Kanpur barrage, Uttar Pradesh, India.  We used forest cover type, land use, land cover and five bioclimatic variable layers: annual mean temperature, isothermality, temperature seasonality, mean temperature of driest quarter, and precipitation seasonality to build the models.  We found that the GLM generated the highest values for AUC, Kappa statistic, TSS, specificity and sensitivity, and the lowest values for omission error and commission error, while the MAXENT model generated the lowest variance in variable importance. We suggest that researchers should not rely on any single algorithm, instead, they should test performance of all available models for their species and area of interest, and choose the best one to build a species distribution model.


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