Medium and large-sized mammals in an Atlantic Forest fragment of Brazil: recording of threatened species

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Vinícius Nunes Alves
Caroline Marques Maia
Telma Regina Alves
Renata Cristina Batista Fonseca


Deforestation and habitat fragmentation affect to a great extent larger wild mammals, which require large areas to establish their populations.  These mammals can have important functions in the structure and dynamics of tropical forests, acting as seed dispersers, herbivory regulators, and umbrella species.  In the present paper, we characterize the community of medium and large wild mammals in a semi-deciduous seasonal forest fragment, a denominated IB Forest (Institute of Biosciences) in Edgardia Experimental Farm, UNESP, Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil.  By adopting sand plots on three trails as the main method, we identified the occurrence of nine species, besides the occurrence of one species by direct visualization.  Some of these are in national red lists — Leopardus pardalis and Puma concolor are listed as threatened and Sapajus cf. nigritus as Near Threatened in São Paulo State; Puma concolor is also listed as Vulnerable at the national level.  Thus, we emphasize the importance of this forest remnant as a wildlife refuge, which makes it necessary to monitor the occurrence of these animals in the area and conserve similar remnants in the region.

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