Comparison of beach profiles conducive for turtle nesting in Andaman

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Subramanian Narayani
Sasidharan Venu
Andrea Joan D'Silva


The present study was undertaken to compare beach characteristics associated with turtle nesting in the Andaman group of islands.  Karmatang, Kalipur, Ramnagar, Chidiyatapu, Carbyn’s Cove, and Wandoor were chosen as study sites.  Beach slope, sand grain characteristics, and general vegetation patterns were analysed.  The angle of inclination of the beach slope ranged from 2.06 to 8.3 degrees.  Beaches with a higher angle had a comparatively higher number of nesting sites.  The study shows that a single factor does not make a beach more conducive for nesting.  Chidiyatapu has the widest beach but lacks other features and so it is not a preferred nesting site.  The grain size of sand in Wandoor is highly favourable, but the intertidal region is not long and there are streams that can drown the nests.  Karmatang has a long beach and a higher slope angle.  Ramnagar has a moderate beach length and a high slope angle.  The dominant grains at both the beaches were found to be granules.  The absence of streams and artificial light, fewer number of anthropogenic activities, lack of obstacles, the presence of bordering vegetation, and a conducive beach slope with granular sand grains make Ramnagar, Karmatang, and Kalipur ideal for turtle nesting.

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