Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 September 2021 | 13(11): 19580–19602


ISSN 0974-7907 (Online) | ISSN 0974-7893 (Print)

#6336 | Received 27 June 2020 | Final received 17 July 2021 | Finally accepted 19 July 2021



A reference of identification keys to plant-parasitic nematodes (Nematoda: Tylenchida\ Tylenchomorpha)


Reza Ghaderi 1, Manouchehr Hosseinvand 2  & Ali Eskandari 3


1 Department of Plant Protection, School of Agriculture, Shiraz University, 71441-65186, Shiraz, Iran.

2,3 Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zanjan, 45371-38791, Zanjan, Iran.

1 (corresponding author), 2, 3




Editor: Anonymity requested.   Date of publication: 26 September 2021 (online & print)


Citation: Ghaderi, R., M. Hosseinvand & A. Eskandari (2021). A reference of identification keys to plant-parasitic nematodes (Nematoda: Tylenchida\ Tylenchomorpha). Journal of Threatened Taxa 13(11): 19580–19602.


Copyright: © Ghaderi et al. 2021. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.  JoTT allows unrestricted use, reproduction, and distribution of this article in any medium by providing adequate credit to the author(s) and the source of publication.


Funding: None.


Competing interests: The authors declare no competing interests.


Author details: Reza Ghaderi is an Assistant Professor of plant nematology at Shiraz University, Iran, working on identification and management of plant-parasitic nematodes, particularly Merliniidae, Telotylenchidae and Tylenchulidae.  Manouchehr Hosseinvand is a PhD student of plant pathology (Nematology) at University of Zanjan, Iran, currently working on identification of the plant-parasitic nematodes of the families Tylenchidae, Merliniidae and Telotylenchidae in southwestern regions of Iran.  Ali Eskandari is an Associated Professor of Nematology at University of Zanjan, working on identification of plant and soil nematodes particularly Criconematoidea.


Author contributions: All the three authors have contributed throughout the preparation of the manuscript.


Acknowledgements: We wish to gratefully thank the kind help of Dr. Renauld Fortuner (Université de Poitiers, France) and Dr. Erum Yawar Iqbal (University of Karachi, Pakistan) for providing of some papers.




Abstract: The present review has documented a list of keys for identifying plant-parasitic nematodes at different taxonomic levels including superfamily, family, subfamily, genus, and species. It was compiled as a current source of information to assist students and professionals in the discipline of nematology for identification of this important group of soil nematodes.


Keywords: Compendium, identification key, Longidoridae, Trichodoridae.





While working on plant-parasitic nematodes, taxonomists have been documenting several identification keys on this group of nematodes. Although the work by Lewis et al. (1999) can be regarded as a very good documentation including a list of keys and references for identifying species of selected genera of plant-parasitic nematodes, it doesn’t cover a large part of current information provided in the literature.

For having a view on classification and general identification of plant-parasitic nematodes, readers may find very helpful the following general references beside of identification keys documented in the present paper: May & Lyon (1975), Ebsary (1991), Nickle (1991), Siddiqi (2000), Andrássy (2007), Hodda (2011), and Manzanilla-López & Marbán-Mendoza (2012). The landmark collection of papers on reappraisal of Tylenchina published in Revue de Nématologie during 1987 and 1988, is also highly recommended to obtain an excellent insight on the systematics of plant-parasitic nematodes.

In the present paper, nomenclature and systematics follow that of De Ley & Blaxter (2002, 2004) and Kashi & Karegar (2018) with slight modification. We have tried that the present work to be a comprehensive reference for identification keys to plant-parasitic nematodes; however, some works may be overlooked and thus not included in the list. Keys for identifying plant-parasitic nematodes at different taxonomic levels including superfamily, family, subfamily, genus, and species level are referred. The number of treated taxa is mentioned whenever data (full paper) was available. Taxa are arranged alphabetically, and for each taxon, keys are written based on the order of the year of publication, from the newest to the oldest. Dichotomous keys are simply named ‘key’, and diagnostic compendiums or tabular keys as ‘compendium’ throughout the paper.


Keys to plant-parasitic nematodes


Phylum Nematoda Potts, 1932: Andrássy 2007, Hunt 1995, Hopper & Cairns 1959

Class Chromadorea Inglis, 1983

Subclass Chromadoria Pearse, 1942

Order Rhabditida Chitwood, 1933

Suborder Tylenchina Thorne, 1949: Mekete et al. 2012 (pictorial key for agriculturally important plant-parasitic nematodes), Andrássy 2007 (key for taxa), Eisenback 2002 (pictorial key for 23 genera), Bell 2002 (computerized key for 30 genera), Siddiqi 2000 (key for families and genera), Brzeski 1998 (key for genera), Bongers 1988 (key for nematodes of the Netherlands), Anderson & Mulvey 1979 (pictorial key for genera in Canada), Mai & Lyon 1975 (pictorial key for genera)

Note: This taxon includes plant-parasitic and bacteriovorous nematodes; the above-mentioned keys are only for plant-parasitic taxa.


Infraorder Tylenchomorpha De Ley & Blaxter, 2002


Superfamily Aphelenchoidea Fuchs, 1937: Miraeiz 2018 (key for genera) [in Persian], Kanzaki & Giblin-Davis 2012 (key for 2 families), Andrássy 2007 (key for 8 families, as order Aphelenchida), Hunt 1993 (key for 2 families)

Note: Aphelenchid nematodes have been treated under different levels of classificaton in literature: order Aphelenchida, subfamily Aphelenchina, or superfamily Aphelenchoidea. We consider them as a superfamily herein.


Family Aphelenchidae Fuchs, 1937: Kanzaki & Giblin-Davis 2012 (key for 2 subfamilies), Hunt 1993 (key for 2 subfamilies)


Subfamily Aphelenchinae Fuchs, 1937

Aphelenchus Bastian, 1865: Andrássy 2007 (key for 4 European species), Nama & Soni 1981, Anderson & Hooper 1980


Subfamily Paraphelenchinae T. Goodey, 1951

Paraphelenchus Micoletzky, 1922: Ryss 2013 (key and compendium for 23 species), Carta et al. 2011 (compendium for 23 species), Andrássy 2007 (key for 7 European species)


Family Aphelenchoididae Skarbilovich, 1947: Kanzaki & Giblin-Davis 2012 (key for 6 subfamilies and 29 genera), Andrássy 2007 (key for 12 genera), Hunt 1993 (key for 6 subfamilies)


Subfamily Acugutturinae Hunt, 1980: Andrássy 2007 (key for 3 genera), Hunt 1993 (key for 3 genera)

Acugutturus Hunt, 1980

Noctuidonema Remillet & Silvain, 1988

Vampyronema Hunt, 1993


Subfamily Aphelenchoidinae Skarbilovich, 1947: Hunt 1993 (key for 7 genera)

Aphelenchoides Fischer, 1894: Andrássy 2007 (key for 47 European species), Shahina 1996 (compendium for 141 species), Sanwal 1961 (key for 35 species), Thorne & Malek 1968 (key for 7 species)

Anomyctus Allen, 1940

Basilaphelenchus Pedram, Kanzaki, Giblin-Davis & Pourjam, 2018

Laimaphelenchus Fuchs, 1937: Asghari et al. 2012 (key for 15 species), Andrássy 2007 (key for 3 European species), Oro et al. (2015) (key to 16 species).

Punchaulus De Ley & Coomans, 1996

Robustodorus Andrássy, 2007

Ruehmaphelenchus J.B. Goodey, 1963

Schistonchus Cobb, 1927: Davies et al. 2010 (key and compendium for 4 nominal species and 12 morphospecies in Australia)

Sheraphelenchus Nickle, 1970


Subfamily Ektaphelenchinae Paramonov, 1964: Andrássy 2007 (key for 4 genera), Hunt 1993 (key for 4 genera)

Cryptaphelenchus Fuchs, 1937

Devibursaphelenchus Kakuliya, 1967

Ektaphelenchoides Baujard, 1984

Ektaphelenchus Fuchs, 1937


Subfamily Entaphelenchinae Nickle, 1970: Andrássy 2007 (key for 4 genera)

Entaphelenchus Wachek, 1955

Peraphelenchus Wachek, 1955

Praecocilenchus Poinar, 1969

Roveaphelenchus Nickle, 1970


Subfamily Parasitaphelenchinae Rühm, 1956

Parasitaphelenchus Fuchs, 1929

Bursaphelenchus Fuchs, 1937: Andrássy 2007 (key for 33 European species), Ryss et al. 2005 (key and compendium for 75 species), Yin et al. 1988 (key and compendium for 44 species), Tarjan & Aragon 1982, Maria et al. 2016 (key to 19 species of hofmanni-group).


Subfamily Sinurinae Husain & Khan, 1967: Andrássy 2007 (key for 3 genera), Hunt 1993 (key for 4 genera)

Aprutides Scognamiglio, Talame’ & S’Jacob, 1970

Papuaphelenchus Andrássy, 1973

Seinura Fuchs, 1931: Andrássy 2007 (key for 15 European species), Shahina & Hunt 1995 (compendium for 39 species)


Subfamily Tylaphelenchinae Kanzaki, Li, Lan & Giblin-Davis, 2014

Pseudaphelenchus Kanzaki & Giblin-Davis, 2009 in Kanzaki et al. (2009)

Tylaphelenchus Rühm, 1956


Superfamily Criconematoidea Taylor, 1936: Cid del Prado Vera & Talavera 2012 (key for 3 families), Andrássy 2007 (key for families), Siddiqi 1980 (key for families)

Note: Siddiqi (2000) considered this group as suborder Criconematina, and prodided identification keys for all taxa from genus to superfamily level.


Family Criconematidae Taylor, 1936: Cid del Prado Vera & Talavera 2012 (key for 3 subfamilies and 9 genera), Geraert 2010 (key for 18 genera), Andrássy 2007 (key for 17 genera), Wouts 2006 (key for taxa of New Zealand), Andrássy 1979 (key for taxa), De Grisse 1969 (key and compendium for taxa)


Subfamily Blandicephalanematinae Geraert, 2010

Amphisbaenema Orton Williams, 1982: Geraert 2010 (description of 1 species)

Blandicephalanema Mehta & Raski, 1971: Geraert 2010 (key for 5 species)


Subfamily Criconematinae Taylor, 1936

Criconema Hofmänner & Menzel, 1914: Geraert 2010 (key for 99 species), Andrássy 2007 (key for 15 European species), Brzeski 1998 (key for 6 European species), Yeates et al. 1997 (key for 19 species), Golden & Friedman 1964 (key for 30 species)

Croserinema Khan, Chawla & Saha, 1976: Geraert 2010 (key for 3 species), Crozzoli & Lamberti 2002 (key for 5 species from Venezuela)

Crossonema Mehta & Raski, 1971: Geraert 2010 (key for 35 species), Andrássy 2007 (key for 5 European species)

Lobocriconema De Grisse & Loof, 1965: Geraert 2010 (key for 19 species)

Neolobocriconema Mehta & Raski, 1971: Geraert 2010 (key for 11 species), Hashim 1984

Ogma Southern, 1914: Geraert 2010 (key for 77 species), Andrássy 2007 (key for 9 European species), Crozzoli & Lamberti 2002 (key for 3 species from Venezuela), Brzeski 1998 (key for 8 European species), Van den Berg & Quinéhérve 1995 (key and compendium for 10 species with predominantly 12 longitudinal rows of cuticular scales), Minagawa 1993 (compendium for 13 species)

Orphreyus Siddiqi, 2000: Geraert 2010 (key for 3 species)

Pateracephalanema Mehta & Raski, 1971: Geraert 2010 (key for 3 species)


Subfamily Discocriconemellinae Geraert, 2010

Discocriconemella De Grisse & Loof, 1965: Geraert 2010 (key for 29 species)

Xenocriconemella De Grisse & Loof, 1965: Geraert 2010 (key for 2 species), Andrássy 2007 (key for 2 European species)


Subfamily Hemicriconemoidinae Andrássy, 1979

Hemicriconemoides Chitwood & Birchfield, 1957: Geraert 2010 (key for 51 species), Esser & Vovlas 1990 (compendium for species), Germani & Luc 1970, Dasgupta et al. 1969 (key for 16 species)


Subfamily Macroposthoniinae Skarbilovich, 1959

Bakernema Wu, 1964: Geraert 2010 (key for 2 species), Ebsary 1982

Criconemoides Taylor, 1936: Geraert 2010 (key for 45 species), Andrássy 2007 (key for 10 European species), Brzeski et al. 2002 (compendium for 34 species), Brzeski 1998 (key for 4 European species), Ebsary 1979, Mehta & Raski 1971, Tarjan 1966 (key and compendium for 89 species including Mesocriconema species), Raski & Golden 1966 (key for 85 species including Mesocriconema species), De Grisse & Loof 1965, Raski 1952 (key for 22 species)

Mesocriconema Andrássy, 1965: Geraert 2010 (key for 90 species), Andrássy 2007 (key for 25 European species), Brzeski et al. 2002 (compendium for 90 species), Crozzoli & Lamberti 2001 (key for 11 species from Venezuela), Brzeski 1998 (key for 17 European species), Loof & De Grisse 1989

Neobakernema Ebsary, 1981: Geraert 2010 (key for 7 species)

Nothocriconemoides Maas, Loof & De Grisse, 1971: Geraert 2010 (key for 2 species)


Family Hemicycliophoridae Skarbilovich, 1959: Chitambar & Subbotin 2014 (key for 2 subfamilies), Cid del Prado Vera & Talavera 2012 (key for 2 subfamilies and 4 genera), Andrássy 2007 (key for 4 genera), Siddiqi 1980 (key for taxa)


Subfamily Caloosiinae Siddiqi, 1980: Chitambar & Subbotin 2014 (key for 2 genera)

Caloosia Siddiqi & Goodey, 1964: Chitambar & Subbotin 2014 (key and compendium for 8 species)

Hemicaloosia Ray & Das, 1978: Chitambar & Subbotin 2014 (key and compendium for 9 species); Zeng et al. 2012 (key and compendium for 7 species)


Subfamily Hemicycliophorinae Skarbilovich, 1959: Siddiqi 1980 (key for 4 genera)

Hemicycliophora de Man, 1921: Chitambar & Subbotin 2014 (key and compendium for 132 species), Andrássy 2007 (key for 16 European species), Brzeski 1998 (key for 12 European species), Van den Berg 1987, Brzeski & Ivanova 1978, Eroshenko 1976, Loof 1976, Brzeski 1974, Loof 1968, Schoemaker 1967 (key for 44 species)


Family Tylenchulidae Skarbilovich, 1947: Ghaderi et al. 2016 (key for 4 subfamilies and 8 genera), Cid del Prado Vera & Talavera 2012 (key for 4 subfamilies and 7 genera), Raski 1991 (key for 3 subfamilies)


Subfamily Meloidoderitinae Kirjanova & Poghossian, 1973

Meloidoderita Poghossian, 1966: Ghaderi et al. 2016 (key for 4 species), Raski 1991 (key for 3 species)


Subfamily Paratylenchinae Thorne, 1949: Ghaderi et al. 2016 (key for 3 genera), Andrássy 2007 (key for 5 genera), Esser 1992 (compendium for 148 species), Raski 1991 (key for 3 genera)

Cacopaurus Thorne, 1943: Ghaderi et al. 2016 (description of 1 species)

Paratylenchus Micoletzky, 1922: Ghaderi et al. 2016 (key for 130 species), Ghaderi et al. 2014 (key and compendium for 117 species), Andrássy 2007 (key for 30 European species under Paratylenchus or Gracilacus), Brzeski 1998 (key for 16 European species, compendium for 108 species), Raski 1991 (key for 97 species under Paratylenchus and Gracilacus), Pinochet & Raski 1977 (amended key of Raski 1975), Raski 1976 (key for 29 species with stylet longer than 40 µm), Raski 1975 (key for 47 species with stylet under 40 µm), Soloveva 1975 (key for 44 species), Wu 1975 (key for 10 Canadian species), Geraert 1965 (key for 39 species)

Tylenchocriconema Raski & Siddiqui, 1975: Ghaderi et al. 2016 (description of 1 species)


Subfamily Sphaeronematinae Raski & Sher, 1952: Andrássy 2007 (key for 4 genera including Meloidoderita)

Sphaeronema Raski & sher, 1952: Ghaderi et al. 2016 (key for 9 species), Raski 1991 (key for 8 species)


Subfamily Tylenchulinae Skarbilovich, 1947: Ghaderi et al. 2016 (key for 3 genera), Andrássy 2007 (key for 2 genera), Raski 1991 (key for 5 genera including Meloidoderita and Sphaeronema)

Boomerangia Siddiqi, 1994: Ghaderi et al. 2016 (key for 2 species)

Trophotylenchulus Raski, 1957: Ghaderi et al. 2016 (key for 14 species), Raski 1991 (key for 10 species under Trophotylenchulus and Trophonema)

Tylenchulus Cobb, 1913: Ghaderi et al. 2016 (key for 5 species), Tanha Maafi et al. 2012 (key for 5 species), Raski 1991 (key for 4 species), Inserra et al. 1988 (key for 4 species)


Superfamily Tylenchoidea Örley, 1880

Family Dolichodoridae Whitehead, 1959: Hunt et al. 2013 (key for 6 subfamilies), Geraert 2011 (key for 7 subfamilies), Smart & Nguyen 1991 (key for 3 genera)


Subfamily Belonolaiminae Whitehead, 1960: Hunt et al. 2013 (key for 4 genera), Geraert 2011 (key for 4 genera), Andrássy 2007 (key for 4 genera), Smart & Nguyen 1991 (key for 5 genera)

Belonolaimus Steiner, 1949: Geraert 2011 (key for 5 species), Smart & Nguyen 1991 (key for 9 species), Rau 1963 (key for 5 species), Cid Del Prado & Subbotin 2012 (key to 6 species)

Carphodorus Colbran, 1965: Geraert 2011 (description of 1 species)

Ibipora Monteiro & Lordello, 1977: Geraert 2011 (key for 5 species)

Morulaimus Sauer, 1966: Geraert 2011 (key for 8 species), Smart & Nguyen 1991 (key for 6 species)


Subfamily Brachydorinae Siddiqi, 2000

Brachydorus de Guiran & Germani, 1968: Geraert 2011 (key for 3 species)


Subfamily Dolichodorinae Chitwood in Chitwood & Chitwood, 1950: Hunt et al. 2013 (key for 2 genera), Geraert 2011 (key for 2 genera), Andrássy 2007 (key for 3 genera), Smart & Nguyen 1991 (key for 3 genera), Lewis & Golden 1981 (key for 3 genera)

Dolichodorus Cobb, 1914: Geraert 2011 (key for 17 species), Guirado et al. 2007 (key and compendium for 17 species), Smart & Nguyen 1991 (key for 15 species), Lewis & Golden 1981 (key for 9 species), Smart & Khuong 1985 (key for 13 species), Grove et al. 1985, Loof & Sharma 1975, Esser 1989

Neodolichodorus Andrássy, 1976: Geraert 2011 (key for 12 species), Smart & Nguyen 1991 (key for 7 species)


Subfamily Macrotrophurinae Fotedar & Handoo, 1978

Macrotrophurus Loof, 1958: Geraert 2011 (description of 1 species)


Subfamily Meiodorinae Siddiqi, 1976

Meiodorus Siddiqi, 1976: Geraert 2011 (key for 3 species).


Family Merliniidae Siddiqi, 1971: Ghaderi et al. 2017 (key for8 genera), Hunt et al. 2013 (key for 5 genera), Sturhan 2012 (compendium for 7 genera), Geraert 2011 (key for 3 genera)


Subfamily Merliniinae Siddiqi, 1971

Amplimerlinius Siddiqi, 1976: Ghaderi & Karegar 2014, Geraert 2011 (key for 22 species), Andrássy 2007 (key for 11 European species), Brzeski 1998 (key for 5 European species), Shaw & Khan 1992 (key for 7 species), Bello et al. 1987 (compendium for 14 species), Brzeski 1985, Hooper 1978 (key and compendium for 9 species)

Geocenamus Thorne & Malek, 1968: Geraert 2011 (key for 69 species of Geocenamus, Merlinius and Paramerlinius), Chitambar & Ferris 2005 (key and compendium for 12 species), Smart & Nguyen 1991 (key for 7 species), Hooper 1978 (key and compendium for 3 species), Tarjan 1973 (key and compendium for 3 species)

Macrotylenchus Sturhan, 2012: Ghaderi et al. 2017 (key for 3 species)

Merlinius Siddiqi, 1970: Ghaderi et al. 2017 (key for 31 species), Andrássy 2007 (key for 9 European species), Handoo et al. 2007 (key and compendium for 32 species), Brzeski 1998 (key for 19 European species, compendium for 77 species including Geocenamus and Scutylenchus species), Brzeski 1992 (supplement for the key in Brzeski 1991), Brzeski 1991 (key for 67 species including Geocenamus and Scutylenchus species), Hooper 1978 (key and compendium for 46 species including Scutylenchus species), Tarjan 1973 (key and compendium for 38 species including Scutylenchus species)

Nagelus Thorne & Malek, 1968: Ghaderi et al. 2017 (key for 9 species), Geraert 2011 (key for 27 species), Andrássy 2007 (key for 8 European species), Brzeski 1998 (key for 2 European species), Powers et al. 1983 (compendium for 6 species)

Paramerlinius Sturhan, 2012: Ghaderi et al. 2017 (key for 11 species)

Scutylenchus Jairajpuri, 1971: Ghaderi & Karegar 2016 (key and compendium for 32 species including Geocenamus species), Xu et al. 2012 (key for 24 species), Andrássy 2007 (key for 9 European species), Skwiercz 1984 (key for 15 species)

Telomerlinius Siddiqi & Sturhan, 2014: Siddiqi & Sturhan 2014 (key for 2 species)


Subfamily Pratylenchoidinae Sturhan, 2012

Pratylenchoides Winslow, 1958: Ghaderi & Karegar 2014 (key and compendium for 26 species), Geraert 2013 (key for 29 species), Ryss 2007 (key and compendium for 26 species) [in Russian], Andrássy 2007 (key for 17 European species), Brzeski 1998 (key for 7 European species), Talavera & Tobar 1996 (key for 23 species), Loof 1991 (key for 19 species), Baldwin et al. 1983 (key for 14 species), Ryss 1980.


Family Telotylenchidae Siddiqi, 1960: Hunt et al. 2013 (key for 9 genera), Geraert 2011 (key for 9 genera), Andrássy 2007 (key for 18 genera including those in Merliniidae), Jairajpuri & Hunt 1984 (key for 11 genera), Hooper 1978 (key for 3 subfamilies and 13 genera including those in Merliniidae), Tarjan 1973 (key for 8 genera including Merliniidae genera).


Subfamily Telotylenchinae Siddiqi, 1960: Jairajpuri & Hunt 1984 (key for 11 genera)

Bitylenchus Filipjev, 1934: Hosseinvand et al. 2020 (key for 140 species including Tylenchorhynchus and Sauertylenchus), Andrássy 2007 (key for 12 European species), Jairajpuri 1982.

Histotylenchus Siddiqi, 1971: Geraert 2011 (key for 7 species)

Macrotrophurus Loof, 1958: Geraert 2011 (description of 1 species)

Neodolichorhynchus Jairajpuri & Hunt, 1984: Geraert 2011 (key for 20 species), Andrássy 2007 (key for 6 European species), Jairajpuri & Hunt 1994 (key for 11 species under Neodlichorhynchus, Dolichorhynchus Mulk & Jairajpuri, 1974 and Tessellus Jairajpuri & Hunt, 1984), Erum et al. 2011 (key to 9 species).

Paratrophurus Arias, 1970: Geraert 2011 (key for 18 species), Andrássy 2007 (key for 3 European species), Brzeski 1998 (key for 2 European species), Castillo et al. 1989 (key for 12 species), Hooper 1978 (key and compendium for 5 species)

Quinisulcius Siddiqi, 1971: Geraert 2011 (key for 17 species), Andrássy 2007 (key for 5 European species), Maqbool 1982 (key for 10 species), Hooper 1978 (key and compendium for 9 species), Tarjan 1973 (key and compendium for 7 species).

Sauertylenchus Sher, 1974: Hosseinvand et al. 2020 (key for 140 species including Bitylenchus and Tylenchorhynchus), Geraert 2011 (description of 1 species).

Telotylenchus Siddiqi, 1960: Geraert 2011 (key for 19 species)

Trichotylenchus Whitehead, 1960: Geraert 2011 (key for 31 species)

Trophurus Loof, 1956: Geraert 2011 (key for 14 species), Brzeski 1998 (key for 2 European species), Kleynhans & Cadet 1994 (key and compendium for 14 species), Hooper 1978 (key and compendium for 7 species).

Tylenchorhynchus Cobb, 1913: Hosseinvand et al. 2020 (key for 140 species including Bitylenchus and Sauertylenchus), Ganguly et al. 2013 (compendium to 158 species), Geraert 2011 (key for 133 species including Bitylenchus species), Andrássy 2007 (key for 16 European species), Handoo 2000 (key and compendium for 111 species), Brzeski & Dolinski 1998 (compendium for 177 species of Tylenchorhynchus sensu lato), Brzeski 1998 (key for 9 European species and compendium for 160 species of Tylenchorhynchus sensu lato), Hooper 1978 (key and compendium for 55 species), Tarjan 1973 (key and compendium for 46 species), Tarjan 1964 (key and diagnostic compendium for 88 species of Tylenchorhynchus sensu lato), Thorne & Malek 1968 (key for 9 species), Allen 1955 (key for 34 species of Tylenchorhynchus sensu lato).


Family Hoplolaimidae Filipjev, 1934: Andrássy 2007 (key for 13 genera excluding cyst and cystoid nematodes), Krall 1990 (key for 3 subfamilies)

Subfamily Acontylinae Fotedar & Handoo, 1978

Acontylus Meagher, 1968


Subfamily Aphasmatylenchinae Sher, 1965

Aphasmatylenchus Sher, 1965


Subfamily Ataloderinae Wouts, 1973: Ghaderi 2019 (key and compendium for 9 genera)

Atalodera Wouts & Sher, 1971: Ghaderi 2019 (key for 9 species)

Bellodera Wouts, 1985: Ghaderi 2019 (description of 1 species)

Camelodera Krall, Shagalina & Ivanova, 1988: Ghaderi 2019 (description of 1 species)

Cryphodera Colbran, 1966: Ghaderi 2019 (key for 7 species), Zhou et al. 2014 (key for 7 species), Karssen & Van Aelst 1999 (key for 6 species)

Ekphymatodera Bernard & Mundo-Ocampo, 1989: Ghaderi 2019 (description of 1 species)

Hylonema Luc, Taylor & Cadet, 1978: Ghaderi 2019 (description of 1 species)

Rhizonemella (Cid del Prado, Lownsbery & Maggenti, 1983) Andrássy, 2007: Ghaderi 2019 (description of 1 species)

Sarisodera Wouts & Sher, 1971: Ghaderi 2019 (description of 1 species)


Subfamily Heteroderinae Filipjev & Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1941: Subbotin & Franco 2012 (key for 8 genera), Subbotin et al. 2010 (key for 7 genera), Andrássy 2007 (key for 18 genera including cystoid nematodes), Handoo 2002, Wouts & Baldwin 1998 (key for 6 genera), Baldwin & Mundo-Ocampo 1991 (key for 16 genera in Heteroderinae, Ataloderinae and Meloidoderinae), Baldwin & Schouest 1990, Lamberti & Taylor 1986 (key for 6 genera and 59 species), Golden 1986 (key for 6 genera and 59 species), Wouts 1985, Mulvey & Golden 1983 (key and compendium for 6 genera and 34 species).

Betulodera Sturhan, 2002: Subbotin et al. 2010 (description of 1 species)

Cactodera Krall & Krall, 1978: Cid del Prado Vera & Subbotin 2014 (key for 14 species), Subbotin et al. 2010 (key and compendium for 13 species), Cid del Prado Vera & Miranda 2008 (key for 14 species), Graney & Bird 1990 (key and compendium for 7 species)

Dolichodera Mulvey & Ebsary, 1980: Subbotin et al. 2010 (description of 1 species)

Globodera Skarbilovich, 1959: Subbotin et al. 2010 (key and compendium for 10 species), Brzeski 1998 (key for 4 European species), Wouts & Baldwin 1998 (key for 8 species), Baldwin & Mundo-Ocampo 1991 (key for 6 species of particular economic importance), Wouts 1984 (key for 8 species)

Heterodera Schmidt, 1871: Subbotin et al. 2010 (key and compendium for 80 species), Tanha Maafi et al. 2007 (compendium for 5 species in H. avenae group from Iran), Handoo 2002 (key and compendium for 12 species in H. avenae group), Brzeski 1998 (key for 18 European species), Wouts & Baldwin 1998 (key for 64 species), Wouts et al. 1995 (key for 9 species in H. avenae group), Baldwin & Mundo-Ocampo 1991 (key for 8 species of particular economic importance), Mulvey 1972 (key for 39 species, including 132 photomicrographs).

Paradolichodera Sturhan, Wouts & Subbotin, 2007: Subbotin et al. 2010 (description of 1 species)

Punctodera Mulvey & Stone, 1976: Subbotin et al. 2010 (key and compendium for 4 species)

Vittatidera Bernard, Handoo, Powers, Donald & Heinz, 2010


Subfamily Hoplolaiminae Filipjev, 1934: Krall 1990 (key for 4 genera)

Aorolaimus Sher, 1963: Baujard et al. 1994 (key for 33 species), Krall 1990 (key for 7 species), Sher 1963 (key for 3 species)

Hoplolaimus Daday, 1905: Ghaderi et al. (Key for 36 species), Handoo & Golden 1992 (key and compendium for 29 species), Krall 1990 (key for 18 species), Anderson 1983 (key for 13 species having 6 pharyngeal gland nuclei), Jairajpuri & Baqri 1973 (key for 15 species), Sher 1963 (key for 8 species).

Peltamigratus Sher, 1964: Krall 1990 (key for 11 species), Rashid et al. 1987 (compendium for 25 species), Bittencourt & Huang 1986 (key for 24 species), Mulk & Siddiqi 1982.

Scutellonema Andrássy, 1958: Krall 1990 (key for 31 species), Germani et al. 1985 (key for 22 species), Van den Berg & Heyns 1973, Sher 1965, Sher 1963 (key for 11 species), Kolombia et al. 2017 (key to 50 species).


Subfamily Meloidoderinae Golden, 1971

Meloidodera Chitwood, Hannon & Esser, 1956: Ghaderi 2019 (key for 10 species), Cid del Prado Vera 1991 (key for 7 species)


Subfamily Rotylenchoidinae Whitehead, 1958

Antarctylus Sher, 1973

Helicotylenchus Steiner, 1945: Nguyen & Anh 2019 (key for 37 species from Vietnam), Uzma et al. 2015 (illustrated compendium for 230 species, key for 32 species in Pakistan), Ganguly et al. 2013 (compendium for 203 species), Andrássy 2007 (key for 35 European species), Brzeski 1998 (key for 10 European species), Firoza & Maqbool 1994 (illustrated compendium for 190 species), Wouts & Yeates 1994 (key for 13 New Zealandian species), Diederich et al. 1991 (computerized key), Krall 1990 (key for 100 species), Fortuner 1989 (computerized key), Boag & Jairajpuri 1985 (compendium for 154 species), Fotedar & Kaul 1985 (key for 125 species), Fortuner & Wong 1984 (computerized key), Anderson & Eveleigh 1982 (key for Canadian species), Anderson 1979 (key for 50 species not included in the previous keys), Siddiqi 1972 (key for 75 species), Thorne & Malek 1968 (key for 10 species), Sher 1966 (key for 41 species).

Pararotylenchus Baldwin & Bell, 1981: Baldwin & Bell 1981 (key for 8 species)

Rotylenchus Filipjev, 1936: Andrássy 2007 (key for 35 European species), Castillo & Vovlas 2005 (key and compendium for 92 species), Brzeski 1998 (key for 11 European species, compendium for 96 species), Geraert & Barooti 1996 (key for 74 species), Castillo et al. 1994, Krall 1990 (key for 32 species), Boag & Hooper 1981, Sher 1965 (key for 14 species), Scotto et al. 2000 (compendium for 103 species).


Subfamily Rotylenchulinae Husain & Khan, 1967: Andrássy 2007 (key for 3 genera), Jatala 1991 (key for 3 genera)

Rotylenchulus Linford & Oliveira, 1940: Andrássy 2007 (key for 5 European species), Robinson et al. 1997 (key for 10 species), Jatala 1991 (key for 10 species), Germani 1978 (key for 8 species).

Senegalonema Germani, Luc & Baldwin, 1984


Subfamily Verutinae Esser, 1981

Verutus Esser, 1981

Bilobodera Sharma & Siddiqi, 1992


Family Meloidogynidae Skarbilovich, 1959: Hunt & Handoo 2013 (key for 3 genera), Andrássy 2007 (key for 4 genera)


Subfamily Meloidogyninae Skarbilovich, 1959

Meloidogyne Goeldi, 1892: Ghaderi & Karssen 2020 (compendium for 105 species based on J2 and male), Zhao et al. 2017 (key to species in New Zealand), Hunt & Handoo 2009 (description of 12 important species), Karssen 2002 (key for 14 European species), Karssen & Van Hoenselaar 1998 (key for 14 European species), Brzeski 1998 (key for 8 European species), Eisenback & Triantaphyllou 1991 (key and compendium for 9 agriculturally most important species based on different life stages), Jepson 1987 (an illustrated monograph including key and compendium for 54 species), Jepson 1983 (key for 24 species), Ebsary & Eveleigh 1983 (key for 5 Canadian species), Hewlett & Tarjan 1983 (key and compendium for 53 species), Eisenback et al. 1981 (key and compendium for 4 main species), Taylor & Sasser 1978 (description of 24 species).


Family Pratylenchidae Thorne, 1949: Geraert 2013 (key for 5 subfamilies and 14 genera), Castillo et al. 2012 (key and compendium for 11 genera), Andrássy 2007 (key for 10 genera), Brzeski 1998 (key for 5 genera), Loof 1991 (key for 9 genera)


Subfamily Apratylenchinae Trinh, Waeyenberge, Nguyen, Baldwin, Karssen & Moens, 2009

Apratylenchus Trinh, Waeyenberge, Nguyen, Baldwin, Karssen & Moens, 2009: Geraert 2013 (description of 2 species)


Subfamily Hirschmanniellinae Fotedar & Handoo, 1978

Hirschmanniella Luc & Goodey, 1964: Geraert 2013 (key for 37 species), Andrássy 2007 (key for 6 European species), Brzeski 1998 (key for 2 European species), Loof 1991 (key for 25 species), Ebsary & Anderson 1982, Sivakumar & Khan 1982, Khun et al. 2015 (compendium for 29 species).


Subfamily Nacobbinae Chitwood in Chitwood & Chitwood, 1950

Nacobbus Thorne & Allen, 1944: Geraert 2013 (description of 2 species), Jatala 1991 (key for 2 species), Sher 1970 (revision of 4 species)


Subfamily Nacobboderinae Golden & Jansen, 1974: Geraert 2013 (key for 2 genera and 6 species)

Bursadera Ivanova & Krall, 1985: Geraert 2013 (description of 1 species)

Meloinema Choi & Geraert, 1974: Geraert 2013 (key for 5 species)


Subfamily Pratylenchinae Thorne, 1949: Geraert 2013 (key for 2 genera)

Pratylenchus Filipjev, 1936: Geraert 2013 (key for 98 species), Castillo & Vovlas 2007 (key and compendium for 68 species), Andrássy 2007 (key for 26 European species), Brzeski 1998 (key for 16 European species), Loof 1991 (key for 46 species), Handoo & Golden 1989 (key and compendium for 63 species), Café Filho & Huang 1989 (key for 54 species), Frederick & Tarjan 1989 (key and compendium for 89 species), Ryss 1988, Loof 1978, Thorne & Malek 1968 (key for 4 species), Ryss 2002 (key to 66 species)

Zygotylenchus Siddiqi, 1963: Geraert 2013 (key for 3 species)


Subfamily Radopholinae Allen & Sher, 1967: Geraert 2013 (key for 7 genera)

Achlysiella Hunt, Bridge & Machon, 1989: Geraert 2013 (key for 6 species)

Apratylenchoides Sher, 1973: Geraert 2013 (key for 3 species)

Hoplotylus S’Jacob, 1959: Geraert 2013 (key for 4 species), Bernard & Niblack 1982 (key for 3 species)

Radopholoides de Guiran, 1967: Geraert 2013 (key for 5 species)

Radopholus Thorne, 1949: Geraert 2013 (key for 23 species), Ryss 1997 (computerized key), Loof 1991 (key for the 2 most economic importance species), Sher 1968 (key for 11 species), Ryss 2003 (key and compendium to 29 species)

Zygradus Siddiqi, 1991: Geraert 2013 (description of 2 species)


Family Tylenchidae Örley, 1880: Hunt et al. 2013 (key for 40 genera), Geraert 2008 (key for 42 genera), Andrássy 2007 (key for 29 genera), Brzeski 1998 (key for 20 genera), Geraert 1991 (key for 33 genera), Sumenkova 1984 (key for genera) [in Russian], Andrássy 1979a (key for genera and species).


Subfamily Atylenchinae Skarbilovich, 1959: Geraet 2008 (key for 5 genera), Andrássy 2007 (key for 2 genera)

Aglenchus Andrássy, 1954: Husseinvand et al. 2016 (key for 9 species), Geraet 2008 (key for 8 species), Geraert 1991 (key for 3 species), Andrássy 1980

Atylenchus Cobb, 1913: Geraet 2008 (description of 1 species)

Coslenchus Siddiqi, 1978: Geraet 2008 (key for 37 species), Andrássy 2007 (key for 22 European species), Brzeski 1998 (key for 17 European species, compendium for 25 species), Geraert & Raski 1988 (key for 30 species), Brzeski 1987 (key for 23 species), Mizukubo & Minagawa 1985 (key for 31 species), Andrássy 1982, Siddiqi 1980 (key for 9 species).

Pleurotylenchus Szczygiel, 1969: Geraet 2008 (description of 2 species)


Subfamily Boleodorinae Khan, 1964: Geraet 2008 (key for 8 genera), Brzeski & Sauer 1982 (key for 5 genera)

Basiria Siddiqi, 1959: Geraet 2008 (key for 42 species), Andrássy 2007 (key for 12 European species), Karegar & Geraert 1998 (key for 35 species), Brzeski 1998 (key for 7 European species).

Boleodorus Thorne, 1941: Geraet 2008 (key for 30 species), Andrássy 2007 (key for 4 European species), Brzeski 1998 (key for 3 European species), Geraert 1971 (key for 13 species), Thorne & Malek 1968 (key for 3 species), Khan 1963.

Discopersicus Yaghoubi, Pourjam, Álvarez-Ortega, Liébanas, Atighi & Pedram, 2016

Neopsilenchus Thorne and Malek, 1968: Geraet 2008 (key for 9 species), Karegar & Geraert 1997 (key for 6 species), Shahina & Maqbool 1990 (key for 11 species), Sultan et al. 1987, Khan & Khan 1975.

Neothada Khan, 1973: Geraet 2008 (key for 6 species), Andrássy 2007 (key for 2 European species), Brzeski 1998 (key for 2 European species), Heyns & Van den Berg 1996 (key for 6 species).

Ridgellus Siddiqi, 2000: Geraet 2008 (description of 1 species)

Thada Thorne, 1941: Geraet 2008 (description of 1 species)


Subfamily Ecphyadophorinae Skarbilovich, 1959: Geraet 2008 (key for 9 genera), Andrássy 2007 (key for 9 genera)

Chilenchus Siddiqi, 2000: Geraet 2008 (description of 1 species)

Ecphyadophora de Man, 1921: Geraet 2008 (key for 8 species), Geraert 1991 (key for 6 species), Raski et al. 1982

Ecphyadophoroides Corbett, 1964: Geraet 2008 (key for 2 species), Geraert 1991 (key for 8 species)

Epicharinema Raski, Maggenti, Koshy & Sosamma, 1982: Geraet 2008 (description of 1 species)

Labrys Qing & Bert, 2018

Lelenchus Andrássy, 1954: Geraet 2008 (key for 3 species)

Mitranema Siddiqi, 1986: Geraet 2008 (key for 2 species)

Sigmolenchus Gharahkhani, Pourjam, Abolafia, Castillo & Pedram, 2020

Tenunemellus Siddiqi, 1986: Geraet 2008 (key for 6 species)

Tremonema Siddiqi, 1994: Geraet 2008 (description of 1 species)

Ultratenella Siddiqi, 1994: Geraet 2008 (description of 1 species)


Subfamily Psilenchinae Paramonov, 1967: Andrássy 2007 (key for 3 genera)

Antarctenchus Spaull, 1972: Geraet 2008 (description of 1 species)

Atetylenchus Khan, 1973: Hosseinvand et al. 2020 (key for 7 species), Geraet 2008 (key for 3 species)

Psilenchus de Man, 1921: Geraet 2008 (key for 21 species), Andrássy 2007 (key for 5 European species), Brzeski 1998 (key for 4 European species), Doucet 1996, Brzeski 1989 (compendium for species), Kheiri 1970 (key for 11 species), Thorne & Malek 1968 (key for 4 species).


Subfamily Tylenchinae Örley, 1880: Geraet 2008 (key for 14 genera)

Allotylenchus Andrássy, 1984: Geraet 2008 (description of 1 species)

Cervoannulatus Bajaj, 1998: Geraet 2008 (description of 1 species)

Cucullitylenchus Huang & Raski, 1986: Geraet 2008 (description of 1 species)

Discotylenchus Siddiqi, 1980: Geraet 2008 (key for 6 species)

Filenchus Andrássy, 1954: Geraet 2008 (key for 95 species including Ottolenchus species), Andrássy 2007 (key for 27 European species), Brzeski 1998 (key for 19 European species, compendium for 79 species), Raski & Geraert 1986 (key for 60 species).

Fraglenchus Siddiqi, 2000: Geraet 2008 (description of 1 species)

Gracilancea Siddiqi, 1976: Geraet 2008 (description of 1 species)

Irantylenchus Kheiri, 1972: Geraet 2008 (description of 1 species)

Malenchus Andrássy, 1968: Geraet 2008 (key for 22 species), Andrássy 2007 (key for 16 European species), Brzeski 1998 (key for 11 European species, compendium for 33 species), Geraert & Raski 1986 (key for 24 species)

Miculenchus Andrássy, 1959: Geraet 2008 (key for 4 species), Geraert 1991 (key for 3 species)

Ottolenchus Husain & Khan, 1967: Geraet 2008 (key for species along together with Filenchus species), Brzeski 1982 (key for 4 species)

Polenchus Andrássy, 1980: Geraet 2008 (key for 3 species)

Sakia Khan, 1964: Geraet 2008 (key for 7 species)

Silenchus Andrássy, 2001: Geraet 2008 (description of 1 species)

Tanzanius Siddiqi, 1991: Geraet 2008 (description of 1 species)

Tylenchus Bastian, 1865: Geraet 2008 (key for 28 species), Andrássy 2007 (key for 8 European species), Brzeski 1998 (key for 4 European species), Bello 1973 (key for 30 species including Filenchus species), Thorne & Malek 1968 (key for 10 species), Andrássy 1954.


Subfamily Tylodorinae Paramonov, 1967: Geraet 2008 (key for 5 genera)

Arboritynchus Reay, 1991: Geraet 2008 (description of 1 species)

Campbellenchus Wouts, 1977: Geraet 2008 (key for 2 species)

Cephalenchus Goodey, 1962: Geraet 2008 (key for 20 species), Andrássy 2007 (key for 4 European species), Brzeski 1998 (key for 3 European species), Raski & Geraert 1986 (key for 11 species), Mizukubo & Minagawa 1985 (key for 16 species), Sultan & Jairajpuri 1981.

Eutylenchus Cobb, 1913: Geraet 2008 (key for 6 species), Brzeski 1996 (key for 5 species)

Tylodorus Meagher, 1964: Geraet 2008 (key for 2 species)


Superfamily Sphaerularioidea Lubbock, 1861: Andrássy 2007 (key for families)


Family Anguinidae Nicoll, 1935: Subbotin & Riley 2012 (compendium for 15 genera), Krall 1991 (key for 3 subfamilies), Andrássy 2007 (key for 14 genera), Brzeski 1998 (key for 5 genera), Brzeski 1981 (key for 8 genera)


Subfamily Anguininae Nicoll, 1935: Krall 1991 (key for 4 gall-inducing genera), Chizhov & Subbotin 1990 (key for 4 genera)

Afrina Brzeski, 1981

Anguina Scopoli, 1777: Andrássy 2007 (key for 4 European species), Brzeski 1998 (key for 4 European species), Krall 1991 (key for 10 species), Chizhov & Subbotin 1990 (key for species)

Diptenchus Khan, Chawla & Seshadri, 1969

Ditylenchus Filipjev, 1936: Hashemi & Karegar 2019 (compendium and key for 63 species), Esmaeili & Heydari, 2016 (key for 27 species including Nothotylenchus species from Iran), Andrássy 2007 (key for 27 European species), Das & Bajaj 2005, Brzeski 1998 (key for 29 European species, compendium for 76 species including Nothotylenchus species), Viscardi & Brzeski 1993 (computerized key), Brzeski 1991 (compendium for 80 species and redescription of 20 species), Sturhan & Brzeski 1991 (compendium for 82 species including Nothotylenchus species), Thorne & Malek 1968 (key for 6 species).


Ficotylus Davies, Ye, Giblin-Davis & Thomas, 2009

Indoditylenchus Sinha, Ghoudhury & Baqri, 1985

Litylenchus Davies, Zhao, Alexander & Riley, 2011

Mesoanguina Chizhov & Subbotin, 1985: Krall 1991 (key for 8 species), Chizhov & Subbotin 1990 (key for species)


Nothanguina Whitehead, 1959

Nothotylenchus Thorne, 1941: Hashemi & Karegar 2020 (compendium and key for 41 species), Andrássy 2007 (key for 27 European species), Thorne & Malek 1968 (key for 4 species),

Orrina Brzeski, 1981

Pseudhalenchus Tarjan, 1958: Brzeski 1998 (key for 4 European species), Grewal 1991 (key for 4 species)


Pterotylenchus Siddiqi & Lenné, 1984

Safianema Siddiqi, 1980

Subanguina Paramonov, 1967: Brzeski 1998 (key for 4 European species)


Subfamily Halenchinae Jairajpuri & Siddiqi, 1969

Halenchus N.A. Cobb in M.V. Cobb, 1933


Family Neotylenchidae Thorne, 1941: Sumenkova, 1989 (key for genera and species).


Subfamily Fergusobiinae Goodey, 1963

Fergusobia Currie, 1937 (Christie, 1941): Davies et al. 2014 (key for Australian species)


Subfamily Gymnotylenchinae Siddiqi, 1980

Gymnotylenchus Siddiqi, 1961


Subfamily Neotylenchinae Thorne, 1941: Andrássy 2007 (key for 7 genera)

Anguillonema Fuch, 1938: Yaghoubi et al. 2018 (key for 3 species)

Hexatyleus Goodey, 1926: Andrássy 2007 (key for 3 European species)

Deladenus Thorne, 1941: Andrássy 2007 (key for 10 European species)


Subfamily Rubzovinematinae Slobodyanyuk, 1999

Rubzovinema Slobodyanyuk, 1991


Family Sphaerulariidae Lubbock, 1861 (Skarbilovich, 1947)


Subfamily Paurodontinae Thorne, 1941

Abursanema Yaghoubi, Pourjam, Pedram, Siddiqi & Atighi, 2014

Bealius Massey & Hinds, 1970

Luella Massey, 1974

Misticius Massey, 1967

Neomisticius Siddiqi, 1986

Paurodontella Husain & Khan, 1968: Iqbal et al. 2010 (key for 10 species)

Paurodontoides Jairajpuri & Siddiqi, 1969

Paurodontus Thorne, 1941


Subfamily Sphaerulariinae Lubbock, 1861

Prothallonema Christie, 1938: Geraert et al. 1984 (key for 12 species)

Sphaerularia Dufour, 1837

Tripius Chitwood, 1935

Veleshkinema Miraeiz, Heydari, Álvarez-Ortega, Pedram & Atighi, 2015


Class Enoplea Inglis, 1983

Subclass Dorylaimia Inglis, 1983

Order Dorylaimida Pearse, 1942

Suborder Dorylaimina Pearse, 1942

Superfamily Dorylaimoidea Thorne, 1935: Vinciguerra 2006 (key for 10 families)


Family Longidoridae Thorne, 1935: Pedram 2018 (key for 8 genera) [in Persian], Decraemer & Chaves 2013 (key for 2 subfamilies, compendium for 7 genera), Hunt 1993 (key for 3 subfamilies)


Subfamily Longidorinae Thorne, 1935: Andrássy 2007 (key for 8 genera), Taylor & Brown 1997 (key for some taxa), Hunt 1993 (key for 3 genera)

Australodorus Coomans, Olmos, Casella & Chaves, 2004

Longidoroides Khan, Chawla & Saha, 1978

Longidorus Micoletzky, 1922: Ye & Robbins 2004 (compendium for 137 species), Loof & Chen 1999 (compendium for 13 species, supplement for Chen et al. 1997), Chen et al. 1997 (compendium for 103 species), Rey et al. 1988 (computerized key for 65 species), Romanenko 1978, Zheng et al. 2001 (key for 12 species from China), Xu et al. 2018 (key for 15 species from China).

Paralongidorus Siddiqi, Hooper & Khan, 1963: Escuer & Arias 1997 (compendium for 70 species)

Paraxiphidorus Coomans & Chaves, 1995

Xiphidorus Monteiro, 1976: Decraemer et al. 1996 (key for 6 species)


Subfamily Xiphinematinae Dalmasso, 1969

Xiphinema Cobb, 1913: Lamberti et al. 2004 (key and compendium for 49 species in X. americanum group), Coomans et al. 2001 (compendium for over 100 species), Lamberti et al. 2000 (compendium for 51 species in X. americanum group), Loof et al. 1996, Robbins et al. 1996 (compendium for 114 species based on juveniles), Lamberti & Carone 1991 (key for 38 species in X. americanum group), Loof & Luc 1990 (compendium for 172 species in the genus, excluding X. americanum group), Loof & Luc 1983, Kohn & Sher 1972 (key for 50 species), Ganguly et al. 2000 (key to 12 species of group 1), Sen et al. 2010 (key to 14 species for mono-opisthodelphic species).


Subclass Enoplia Pearse, 1942

Order Triplonchida Cobb, 1920

Suborder Diphtherophorina Coomans & Loof, 1970

Superfamily Diphtherophoroidea Micoletzky, 1922


Family Trichodoridae Thorne, 1935: Niknam & Jabbari 2018 (key for 4 genera) [in Persian], Decraemer & Chaves 2012 (key for 6 genera), Andrássy 2007 (key for 5 genera), Almeida & Decraemer 2005 (key for genera and species) [in Portuguese], Decraemer & Baujard 1998 (compendium for 90 species in the family), Decraemer 1995 (key for 4 genera), Hunt 1993 (key for 4 genera), Decraemer 1991 (compendium for 4 genera), Loof 1975, Siddiqi 1974.

Allotrichodorus Rodriguez-M, Sher & Siddiqi, 1978: Rashid et al. 1985 (key for 7 species based on females and males), Decraemer 1980 (key for 2 species), Rodriguez-M et al. 1978 (key for 2 species).

Ecuadorus Siddiqi, 2002

Monotrichodorus Andrássy, 1976: Decraemer 1980 (key for 2 species), Rodriguez-M et al. 1978 (key for 2 species).

Paratrichodorus Siddiqi, 1974: Decraemer & Chaves 2013 (key for 8 virus-vector species), Decraemer 1995 (key for 31 species based on females and males), Andrássy 2007 (key for 13 European species), Decraemer 1980 (key for 16 species based on females and males), Siddiqi 1973.

Trichodorus Cobb, 1913: Decraemer & Chaves 2013 (key for 4 virus-vector species), Zahedi et al. 2009 (key for 5 Iranian species), Andrássy 2007 (key for 18 European species), Decraemer & Baujard 1998a (key and compendium for 90 species), Decraemer & Baujard 1998b (additions and corrections to Decraemer & Baujard 1998a), Taylor & Brawn 1997, Decraemer 1995 (key for 48 species based on females and males), De Waele & Brzeski 1995 (key for 46 species), Decraemer 1980 (key for 22 species based on females and males), Esser 1971.





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