An insight into theethnozoology of Panch Pargana area of Jharkand, India


Bandana Kumari 1 & Sudhanshu Kumar 2


1,2 Department of Zoology and Botany, P.P.K. College, Bundu, Ranchi, Jharkhand 835204, India

Email: 2   (Corresponding author)




Date of publication (online): 26 August 2009

Date of publication (print): 26 August 2009

ISSN 0974-7907 (online) | 0974-7893 (print)


Editor: L.A.K. Singh


Manuscript details:

Ms # o1717

Received 13 February 2007

Final received 25 July 2009

Finally accepted 28 July 2009


Citation: Kumari, B. & S. Kumar (2009). An insight into the ethnozoologyof Panch Pargana area of Jharkand, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 1(8): 441-443.


Copyright: © Bandana Kumari & Sudhanshu Kumar 2009. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 UnportedLicense. JoTT allows unrestricted use of this article in any medium for non-profit purposes, reproduction and distribution by providing adequate credit to the authors and the source of publication.



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The use of insects as medicine is known from all parts of the globe, including Africa (Joyce 1991), the U.S. (Harwood & James 1979), and China (Chou 1990). Insects are consumed as food and medicine by some tribal communities in India.  Examples include the Pod Borer (Helicoverpa armigera), which is used alone or in combination with herbs to treat many common diseases in Chhattisgarh (Oudhia 2001).  The Green Leaf Hopper (Nephotettix nigropictus) occurring in paddy fields is used as an additive for enhancing efficiency of the drug.  Dried leaves of Blumea lacera are burnt with Green Leaf Grass Hopper and the patient is advised to inhale the fumes to reduce the intensity of asthma (Oudhia 2000).

Among the ethnic groups in this area, known for its forests, tribals and the rich flora and fauna, Mundas are the second largest community, next to Kurmis.  Others are Paik, Pakhur and Kundu.

Their knowledge in alleviating suffering is primary, limited to remote villages, where modern medical system is not easily available

This survey was carried out in remote villages of Panch Pargana, i.e. Kanchi, Deori, Salgadih, Norhi, Rargaon and Ulidih in Tamar Block; Raisa, Taimara, Dasham, Madhukama, Tau and Kadamdih in Bundu Block; Baghadih, Rahe, Jamudag and Sonahatu in Sonahatu Block; Sarainghatu, Khesaribera, Ramchu and Longa in Arki Block; and Silli in Silli Block. Specimens of both plants and animals have been collected from ‘Vaidyas’ (village doctors) and also from village hats (market).  Twenty-four Vaidyas were interviewed during three years (2004-2006), seven of whom were found practicing with insectanmedicines who provided required informations.

Identification of faunal samples was done with the help of Lefroy& Howlet (1909), Jeppsonet al. (1975), Smart (1975), Zahradnik & Chavala (1989), Pathak et al. (2003), Smart (2003), Harmer & Mellanby(2005) and Balmer (2007).  Identification of host and combinant plants was done with Haines (1921-25), Ghosh (1971), Singh et al. (2001).



Mylabris pustulata Thunb.

Coleoptera (Cantharidae)

Local Name: Kutma Poka

Stage: Adult

Habitat: On flowers of cucurbits and a pest of malvaceous plants.

Locality: Used by Vaidyas of Baghadih and Kanchi.

Disease: Dog bite, Hydrophobia

Method of use: The insect is dried and preserved.  Only one dose is prescribed.  The dose comprises of one insect with paste of some fresh plants like Puru Ghas (Ageratum conyzoides L., Asteraceae) and Chirchitti (Achyranthes aspera L., Amaranthaceae), taken in empty stomach.  It is said that none in village Baghadih has taken any anti-rabies injection.  The medicine is in use since generations.


Danais chrysippus Linn.

Lepidoptera (Danaidae)

Local Name: Akwan Pillu

Stage: Larvae

Habitat: On the leaves of Calotropis procera (Asclepiadaceae).

Locality: Used by Vaidyas of Taimara and Dasham.

Disease: Epilepsy

Method of use: The larvae are fried in mustard oil (one larva per tablespoon).  The filtered oil is used as nasal drop.


Betousa stylophora Swinhoe.

Hemiptera (Aphidoidea)

Local Name: Aonla Pillu

Stage: Larvae

Habitat: Form galls on the stem of Phyllanthus emblica L. (Euphorbiaceae)

Locality: Used by Vaidyas of Silli.

Disease: Epilepsy

Method of use: The larvae are fried in mustard oil (2-3 larvae per table spoon).  The filtered oil is used as nasal drop.


Sagra nigrita Oliver.

Coleoptera (Sagridae)

Local Name: SemiPillu

Stage: Larvae

Habitat: Swells the stem of ‘SemDolichoslablab L. (Fabaceae) like galls.

Locality: Used by Vaidyas of Longa and Silli.

Disease: Epilepsy and Paralysis.

Method of use: The larvae are fried in mustard oil (one larva per tablespoon).  The filtered oil is used as nasal drop for Epilepsy.  For Paralysis oil massage on affected parts is recommended.


Trombidium grandissimum Koch.

Arachnida: Acari: (Tetranychoidae): Trombidiidae (Red Velvet Mite)

Local Name: Ruhin kira, Rani poka

Stage: Nymph

Habitat: Found in ground during rainy season.

Locality: Used by Vaidyas of Tamar, Salgadih 

Disease: Polio, paralysis, joint pains.

Method of use:  2-3 insects fried in one  table spoon of  oil with root of Bacchplant (Acorus calamus L., Araceae).  This mixture is filtered and used for massaging on affected parts.


Sceliphron madraspatanum (Fabricius)

Hymenoptera (Sphegidae)

Local Name: Kunkal, Kumhar poka.

Stage: Mud nest.

Habitat: Found after rainy season.

Locality: Used by Vaidyas of Bundu, Tau.

Disease: Migrane, dyspepsia.

Method of use: In case of migraine paste of mud nest is applied on fore-head; for dyspepsia and frequent thirst, the paste is applied on the navel.


Termes obesus Ramb.

Isoptera or Neuroptera (Termitidae)

Local Name: Ufani, Burdulu, dimak.

Stage: Fruiting body of fungus (Termitomycetes) growing on mud nest of the specified termites.

Habitat: Fungus grown on the mud nest of termites in rainy season.

Locality: Used by Vaidyas of Bundu, Madhukama.

Disease: Rickets, anaemia in children; paediatricmalnutrition.

Method of use: Soup of this mushroom-like-fungus is given regularly to strengthen the immune system.  The fungus is dried and kept for odd seasons.


Oecophylla smaragdina  F.

Hymenoptera (Formicidae)

Local Name: Kurkut, Hawoo, Be-boot.

Stage: Larvae, pupae and adult

Habitat: Nest found on trees &shrubs

Locality: Used by Vaidyas of Baghadih, Longa, Norhi village.

Disease: Gout and joint pain, to recover from weakness after prolonged fever from diseases like typhoid, gastritis and bronchitis.

Method of use: For Gout and joint pain, entire nest is fried in the Karanj(Pongamia pinnata) oil which is used for massage.  To overcome the weakness of prolonged illness, eggs, larvae and pupae are fried with onion and consumed regularly.  Live ants are mashed with salt, red chillies and mustard oil and eaten with Botha bhat (stale rice) to prevent gastritis.


Gyrinus natator

Coleoptera (Gyrinidae)

Local Name: Pani Ghurani

Stage: Adult

Habitat: Nest found on trees and shrubs

Locality: Used by Vaidyas of Sillivillage.

Disease: Epilepsy

Method of use: A live insect is put within dough and given to the patient for swallowing in empty stomach for five days.



Hembrom (1994) contributed to ethnozoological reporting with identification of local names.  The larvae feeding on ‘Aak’ (Calotropis procera) is used in treatment of epilepsy in Panch Pargana areas of Jharkhand (Sudhansu & Bandana 2003).  The acrid oil exuded from openings in the apices of the femora in Mylabris pustulata (Lefroy & Howlet 1909), commercially very useful.  Oudhia (1999) has reported from Chhattisgarh about the Red Velvet Mite (Trombidium grandissimum) which is used in combination with different herbs for the treatment of about 10 diseases like Malaria, Paralysis etc. Ant is a major combinant component of a herbal medicine used for hepatitis B (Chen & Akre 1994).  In the present study red ants (Oecophylla smaragdina  F.) are found to be used for bronchitis.



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Chen, Y. & R.D. Akre (1994). Ants used as food and medicine in China. The Food Insect Newsletter VII(2): 1, 8-10.

Chou, I. (1990). A History of Chinese Entomology. TianzePress, China.

Ghosh, T.K. (1971). Studies on Flora of Ranchi District. PhD. Thesis, Vols I-II.RanchiUniversity, Ranchi.

Haines, H.H. (1921-25). The Botany of Bihar and Orissa, VolI-IV.  Botanical Survey of India, Calcutta.

Harmer, S.F. & Mellanby (2005). Fresh Water Biology. Asiatic Publishing House, Delhi 110092, India

Harwood, R.F. & M.T. James (1979). Entomology In Human and Animal Health. Macmillan Pub. Co., New York.

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