Butterfly diversity and composition at Chemerong Amenity Forest, Terengganu, Malaysia

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Muhammad Hafiz Sulaiman
Abdul Munir Mohd Zaki
Geok Chin Yap
Nur Atiqa Aniruddin
Ju Lian Chong


A study of butterfly species diversity was conducted in Chemerong Amenity Forest, Terengganu, Malaysia. A total of 939 individuals from 198 butterfly species were obtained using fruit-baited sweep nets and modified VanSomeren-Rydon cylinder traps. The biodiversity of butterflies in the study area was considered high, with a Shannon index (H’) of 4.1, Simpson’s index (DSimpson) of 0.042, and Margalef index (IMargalef) of 28.78. Individuals within the community were not evenly distributed among the species (EShannon= 0776). Nymphalidae was found to be the most dominant family (48.5%), and Lexias dirtea merguia was the most abundant species recorded with 114 individuals (12%). From the total of eight species protected under Malaysia legislation, one species Trogonoptera brookiana was also listed under CITES Appendix II, while only one protected species Agatasa calydonia calydonia of the family Nymphalidae (the brush-footed or four-footed) was considered rare. Other rare species found in this study included Arhopala lucida, Curetis saronis sumatrana, Miletus nymphis fictus of the family Lycaenidae (the blues, coppers, & hairstreaks), Amathusia perakana perakana, Bassarona teuta goodrichi, Elymnias saueri saueri, Elymnias nesaea, Mycalesis horsfieldi hermana, Mycalesis distanti, Ypthima pandocus tahanensis of the family Nymphalidae (the brush-footed or four-footed), Celaenorrhinus ladanaErionota sybirita, Matapa aria, Matapa cresta, Matapa druna, Pseudokerana fulger, Taractrocera ardonia, Taractrocera luzonensis, Telicota linna, and Unkana mytheca mytheca of the family Hesperiidae (the skippers). The dominance of family Nymphalidae may be due to several factors, including high species diversity, widespread distribution and occurrence, as well as the type of bait used in this study. Besides the Genting Highlands and Taman Negara Johor Endau Rompin, butterfly species at Chemerong Amenity Forest are more diverse than other study sites in Malaysia such as Gunung Serambu, Ulu Gombak Forest Reserve, Setiu Wetlands, Kuala Lompat, Bukit Hampuan Forest Reserve, Sungai Imbak Forest Reserve, Tabin Wildlife Reserve, and Ulu Senagang Substation. Further investigation of aspects such as stratification distribution patterns, host plants and forest dwelling species are recommended for better understanding of butterfly communities in the Chemerong Amenity Forest.

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Author Biography

Ju Lian Chong, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

Biodiversity Program, Senior Lecturer School of Marine & Environmental Sciences,


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