Anaesthetic, clinical, morphometric, haematological, and serum chemistry evaluations of an Andean Cat Leopardus jacobita (Cornalia, 1865) (Mammalia: Carnivora: Felidae) before release in Bolivia

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M. Lilian Villalba
Daniela Morales-Moreno
Grace Ledezma
L. Fabián Beltrán-Saavedra
Rolando Limachi Quiñajo


The Andean Cat Leopardus jacobita, one of the most rare and endangered feline species in the world, is distributed from central Peru to central Argentina.  The aim of this study was to evaluate the health and morphometry of a subadult male Andean Cat that was rescued from wildlife trade in Bolivia and held captive for 165 days before being released back into its natural habitat.  Physical immobilizations followed by anaesthesia using ketamine hydrochloride (KH) and xylazine hydrochloride (XH) were performed to obtain clinical, morphometric, haematological and serum chemical parameters.  Physical immobilizations were efficient using capture nets.  The combination of KH + XH had an average initial sedation effect within 12min with a range of 10–16 min after intramuscular application.  Anaesthetic average plane lasted 41.7min with a range of 40–45 min and was extended to 64.5min (63–66 min range) with an addition of KH.  The individual was underweight on arrival and gradually reached an ideal condition and was overweight before its release.  Morphometry parameters showed that it grew during the captive period.  It was released back into the wild when it was considered healthy.  This is the first report of a protocol of physical and chemical immobilization, physiological values, and biometric variation of an Andean Cat under captive conditions.

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