The extinction of Faure’s Broom Adenocarpus faurei Maire (Leguminosae) in Algeria

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Mohamed Djamel Miara
Mohammed Ait Hammou
Jah Skipper


This study presents efforts made to re-discover the narrow Algerian endemic Adenocarpus faurei Maire and the possible implications of this on the conservation of the Tiaret area in northern Algeria.  Field investigations within an expanded perimeter around known historical localities were carried out over a period of five years.  This prospecting effort yielded no positive sightings highlighting the very probable extinction of Adenocarpus faurei, and the lack of novel field data for many plants of high conservation priority in Algeria.


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Short Communications
Author Biography

Mohamed Djamel Miara, Department of Department of Natural Sciences and Life Sciences, University of Tiaret, 14000, DZ, Algeria

Department of SNV


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