Additional records of Tettigoniidae from Arunachal Pradesh, India

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G. Srinivasan
D. Prabakar


Ten species of Tettigoniids under 10 genera belonging to five subfamilies of the family Tettigoniidae from Arunachal Pradesh are discussed of which five species are new records to India and nine species are new records to Arunachal Pradesh.

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Author Biographies

G. Srinivasan

Dr. G. Srinivasan is working as Scientist-C in Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata. His area of research interest are in the Bio-systematic studies of short horned and long horned grasshoppers (Orthoptera), Phasmids and Vespidae (Hymenoptera).

D. Prabakar

Shri. D. Prabakar working as Assistant Zoologist at Zoological Survey of India, Southern Regional Centre, Chennai. His area of research interest is in the bio-systematic studies of grasshoppers (Orthoptera).