Philodendron williamsii Hook. f. (Araceae), an endemic and vulnerable species of southern Bahia, Brazil used for local population

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L.S.B. Calazans
E.B. Morais
C.M. Sakuragui


An updated description and information on ecology, geographical distribution, ethnobiology, uses and conservation of Philodendron williamsii are presented here. The species has a restricted geographical distribution and the roots of its natural populations are widely extracted to be used for local handicraft. During the fertile period of the plant, areas where the species grow were prospected in order to collect, observe, photograph and consult people who directly use parts of the plants. Additional specimens from five herbaria were analyzed. We propose the inclusion of the species as Vulnerable based on the categories and the criteria proposed by the IUCN. Environmental education for the local extractors and the regularization of its extractive activity are suggested here.

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